Grading the soil level of a yard for proper water management


What is soil grading? In order to have proper landscape water drainage, we want the excess water from irrigation and rain to run away from any structures so it does not collect and pool in one damp, muddy spot (and, more importantly, cause damage to your house). There are many ways to improve landscape drainage, and one of the most important is soil grading. Soil grading is the process of creating the soil level so it drops away, slightly, from any structures, and channels excess water off the property or to a planned collection area.

This may sound easy enough, but the actual work is very labor intensive.  To create a slight sloping grade, usually, quite a bit of soil needs to be removed. Sometimes this excess soil can be relocated somewhere else on the property, but often it needs to be hauled away entirely. If the soil grade is too steep, retainer line terraces might be the best way to add stabilization. This work would then be considered soil erosion control rather than soil grading for proper drainage, however, they are related.

Soil grading can be used to the landscape’s advantage. Lower levels of soil can be created and planted with plant types that require more soil moisture, and higher levels can be planted with lower soil moisture type plants. Water runs downhill, as we all know, and the lower levels will retain more of it. Smart planting location and types will help reduce maintenance and water usage for your landscape.

Soil grading can be especially important when installing a lawn. You do not want any depressions in the soil level where water will collect and pool. Like most plants (but not all), turf grass wants to be in soil that drains well.

Soil grading is labor intensive and exhausting work, but playing in the dirt is fun, and we are here to do it for you. Contact us today for a free consultation. We will put together a plan for your landscape and create a beautiful, relaxing, and well functioning yard for your enjoyment.